If you’ve got a young adult heading off to college, it’s time to sit down and take a good look at your insurance policies. There’s a strong chance you’ll need to make some changes to keep your student protected through their college years.
College life is full of new experiences, and with that comes new risks and unexpected events that your current policy might not cover. Your child may be living away from home, making them susceptible to incidents like theft in the dorms or off-campus apartments. There’s also the potential for car accidents if they bring a vehicle to school, especially in an unfamiliar area. And let’s not forget health needs can change or escalate, requiring different levels of care that may not be fully covered under your existing health insurance plan.
Given these scenarios, it’s key to evaluate your current insurance policies and determine whether they provide adequate coverage for your college-age children. Depending on their needs, you may have to consider additional personal property insurance, upgrade to a comprehensive auto insurance policy, or extend the boundaries of your health insurance. It’s all about making sure they have the protection they need when they need it.